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We just launched a new feature here: Post Revision HistoryWhen viewing a post, if you are the po...
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Product Hunt Launch

On Tuesday, March 12th, we will launch via producthunt.com. Although KISS Poetry has been up and run...
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Get Giphy with it

Now you may add GIFs to your posts. Because they're fun and almost a standard feature these days. Ob...
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Link Previews

Link previews have been added here at KISS Poetry! This is subject to change but for now, you must t...
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Refer a Friend

Now you may share a unique URL and anyone who joins using the same URL will be added to your list of...
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AV: Featuring poets reading their poetry

We now have a page (playlist) that features poets reading their poetry. For now, we are only support...
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Say hello to Lists

I'm often thinking about what features poets might need here. It's difficult because of time and not...
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<p>Use the following techniques to format your posts.</p> <!-- wp:image {"id":2157,"width":"170px","...
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Why Join KISS Poetry?

You fully control what you post which includes: editing, deleting, rights, exports, draftsMi...
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Writing Prompts for Poets

March 12, 2024 Update: ~~~ We changed the writing prompts within the Write page. The following is ...
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KISS Poetry